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Your VPS appear to rate limited by our techs due to ongoing IO abuse. You’ve generating way too any IOPS, causing high load on our node and performance degradation for other customers.
Please note that you use HDD storage and not SSD storage. HDD drives are slow, especially with random IO – if a customer like you start using the IO resources full throttle, this has heavy impact on the HDD RAID array performance.
With an HDD VPS we require that you respect the fact you’re sharing HDD IO resources with other customers. Looking at the type of IO that you VPS was generating, it looks a bit like you where download/seeding torrent high rate. Torrents are very heavy on HDD drives if you don’t limit the concurrent connections and throughput.
Your VPS has currently a 50 IOPS and 10MB/s IO limit, to protect other customers that would like to enjoy their VPS.
liteserver 无差别限制 IO
搭建了一个网盘目前就自己使用 呵呵了

去年用了稳一年,放开卖于是 gg 了,看来下个月我也可以不续了啊 去年还没有 估计是今年超售了我买的 Nvme 目前还凑活。幸亏我跳车快是的,昨天客服回复我,平台上的小鸡都限制,等母鸡恢复正常就逐步提升,不是一下子恢复到正常。要么是没准备好黑五的机器就开卖,要么就是为了超售。
