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It’s not "no reason". It’s only possibly an incorrect or bad reason.
But, usually it’s correct and for good reason. :p
Do you have more than one account?
Did you buy your account from someone else?
Have you created (too) many tickets in the past?
Are you Chinese?
My guess is that it is one or more of the above and that is why your account got flagged, for good reason.
这个 LES 越看越乐呵。怪不得胖子这么飘。LES 这么多 VIR 舔狗吗。

你告诉他,虽然我生在中国,但我是精神美国人,你敢对我不敬 必将受到美国法律的制裁 Are you Chinese?loc 也不少。明知道有坑还要舔个脸给胖子送钱,抢着送钱生怕晚了LES 这么多 VIR 舔狗吗。les 不少 les 大部分都是 let 上跑过去的 let 大部分也都讨厌 vir。那几个人其实就是 VIR 自己的人, 一个信誉这么差的商家怎么可能是有拥趸, 不过是利益而已. 可能是 VIR 给了他们几根骨头.LES 这么多 VIR 舔狗吗。Chinese and spammer out
