小米自带的程序怎么删除啊 比喻游戏


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注册 root 去 /system/app 删

nrbs 不 ROOT 有没有办法

法外狂徒张三 adb 进去,disabled

nrbs 小米自带的有游戏?

gah1227 应该是游戏中心

louiejordan https://www.xda-developers.com/uninstall-carrier-oem-bloatware-without-root-access/ Step 1: Enabling USB Debugging on your phone Step 2: Interfacing your phone with ADB Step 3: Finding the name of the packages to uninstall pm list packages | grep ‘‘ 复制代码 Step 4: Uninstalling the Bloatware pm uninstall -k –user 0 NameOfPackage 复制代码

法外狂徒张三 先去网上搜一下包名 看能不能删除 小米以前把一些 app 跟系统绑定  强行删除导致手机进不了系统

zxxx https://adbappcontrol.com/en/ Bloatware cleanup The ADB AppControl’s Debloat Wizard offers several levels of unwanted application cleanup for beginners and advanced users. This will help improve the autonomy and performance of your Android device as well as secure your personal data. https://adbappcontrol.com/download/?lang=en&t=zip

wushuiyin https://jamcz.com/gjgjx/ 酷安晨钟酱写的 基于 adb 比手动敲命令方便点
