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We have received your order and will be processing it shortly. The details of the order are below:

Order Number: 2987018957

Product/Service: KVM Ryzen VPS – KVM Ryzen 2GB
Domain: 8.86.6
Location: Buffalo, NY
Operating System: centos-7.9-x86_64.img
First Payment Amount: $1.56 USD
Recurring Amount: $1.99 USD
Billing Cycle: Monthly

Total Due Today: $1.56 USD

不知道是啥配置 但是是 amd 的 2G 刚付款了 还没开机


注册 vir 家的?

mgwx 年付 24 刀 垃圾

MikuP 不是 https://advinservers.com KVM Ryzen VPS – KVM Ryzen XXS (Easter) 这玩意

bondjames 开了一个月 看看是啥东西

mgwx 现在还能付款?

mgwx 是的 离谱吧 上线一看一个未付 **

sah 坐等开机发评测啊,
